Monday 19 March 2012


Kahaani, the movie is a really good movie. Its well made and well written (as in screenplay). Before I had seen the film, an uncle said I wouldn’t understand it. But guess what? I did!

While I was watching the movie, I thought that the end would be a thriller. And it was.  I love mystery movies.  And if you do too, you need to watch it. The movie unfolds and unfolds and then unfolds… but then it shocks you, suddenly all the unfolding wasn’t needed in the end for the purpose that it was being done! ( if you didn’t understand the sentence that I just said, watch the movie and you would understand and if you still did not understand what I’m talking about by relating it to the story, call me up, and I’ll explain) (Psst… I’m talking like this because I don’t want to spoil the movie for you)

The film was directed very well. The acting by VIDYA BALAN is award-winning. In the near end of the movie, I really like Vidya's killer expression that she has done before in a movie called bhool bhulaiya. The camera of the movie was pretty ordinary but not bad at all. The casting of the movie is amazing. Choosing Vidya was a great step taken by Sujoy. Rana has also done a decent job. And... the serial killer was a ROCKSTAR!!! He deserves getting good movies. And the cute little boy with the hot running water was also really good. But the serial killer is always on my mind! He's done a fabulous job!

In the end I just want to say that the movie would be rated by me – 8.5/10

If you liked the movie, watch a movie called “Jhankar Beats” by Sujoy Ghosh again. One of his movies I didn’t like is “Aladin”. And a movie called “home delivery” which I haven’t seen, had bad reviews - So i didn't see it although i watch all bad movies too, to see what was bad in them.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Lion King

Lion king is a must-see. I still can’t believe that it was made ten years ago. Totally mind blowing. If you compare the animation to our new technology, you’ll find no big or great difference.

While I was watching the ‘making of the movie’, I saw what it takes to make an animated movie. It is way much harder than a normal movie. I’ll tell you what it takes –

  • ·      Artists (some hundreds of them)
  • ·      Latest and the best tech (which they didn’t need)
  • ·      Millions of sketches
  • ·      About 2 years’ time
  • ·      Research for the sketchers to draw animations
  • ·      And most of all = HARD WORK like hell

The movie was so cute and adorable that I almost started to cry (almost! Mind you) 

If you haven’t seen it, please I request you to. It’s some piece of artwork. And also if you want to talk about cuteness – you need to watch the movie RIO- 

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Harry Potter (movie series)

if you ask me then i would say that the best made movie out of all was the last one which i recently saw. what i thought that this movie might have taken me a million years to make. i bet you haven't seen any movie with special effects like that. i loved watching the 3rd, 6th, 7th, and the 8th. and when i asked my dad he said that all four of them were made by a guy called DAVID YATES. although i had never heard of him earlier, he is supposed to be a gggggrrrreeeeaaaatttt GUY!!! the 5th one was also not badly made, actually. 

the 1st and the 2nd were the movies which got the crowd interested as they were made by the same guy who made HOME ALONE and attracted the children's attention. i mean when i was a kid what i thought HARRY POTTER was all about harry potter v/s Voldemort blah blah blah i know everything. then when i started reading the books i really got to know that i did not know ANYTHING about harry potter. and that it all just bounced over my head.

the harry potter series was the first real book i ever read and i really hated ending the books and when the movies got over i felt extremely bad. another similar event - while i was watching 'wonder years' a serial, i loved it. it was kinda like my life. and when the last 2 episodes were left, i stopped watching it. and i haven't seen it yet. i feel VERY bad when something I'm sooooo attached to gets over. but i like the creator of PERCY JACKSON as he wants write and only write and continue to write with the same character. that guy RICK RIORDAN is AWESOME!!! none the less is JK.

i really wish she writes more and more on harry like RIORDAN.  and somebody in this HUGE world make the movies, or just wait until i grow big enough to make it cos I'm gonna make you proud!!! 

Saturday 30 July 2011

More of my moms Musings - March 11, 2009.  On Aashay and Me I guess!

How fast they've grown
Already have minds and lives of their own.

They've taught me the heights of love and rage
Every moment's been a beautiful new page.

Each day I pray with heartfelt gratitude
For my little imps with such solid attitude.

Their baby pics I so often see
Even when they are right here with me

Shudder at how I'll pain and cry
When my nest they'll leave and fly

Whatever they do, wherever they go,
How much they're loved, may they always know!!!!

How Much More Better Will She Get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

another poem by mom:- written 2.5 years ago before I turned 9

When will I get it!-  reflections of a mother before her baby's birthday!!!

Oh why won't you listen my darling child
How I always allow him to drive me wild.

Whats uttered from his lips must instantly be done
Else his persistence will make sure I don't have fun

My empty and repeated threats
Always later make me feel regrets,

Yet the pattern unthinkingly repeats
I know only I can change the beats.

Just let him be and watch him grow,
Keep the faith and let him lead his show.

No micro monitoring of his precious life
So that his individuality can thrive

I know he'll do fine and make his mark
In my heart I can see that spark.

So I determine to make the change
My paradigms I promise to rearrange!

My Mom's hidden ability revealed

Another poem by MY MOM!!! I never knew she was a poet!!! Unbelievable!!! And she wrote it while she was sitting with me and watching the rains on the 29th!!! I know you might be saying unbelievable in your mind, i can understand.

here it is:-


The crashing rain 
On my window pane

Makes me want to sing and dance,
How I love this season of romance

Just snuggle in with a book
Or simply sit and dreamily look.

Unending steaming cups of tea
And some bhel is great for me.

Harry Potter (book series)

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                           I thought that the best part of the harry potter (herein ref as HP or H) series (books) was that when the horgwartians were battling the death eaters. And When H killed Voldemort. (I say the name as I am not afraid of him)
                          The worst part of all was when Lupin, Tonks, Fred, and most of all Dumbledore died. The death of Lupin and Tonks was obvious as they made H the godfather of Ted’s. Fred died for the sake of dying. And Dumbledore, aahh – what do I say!!!
                    The best book of all was the 6th, which was the half-blood prince, and the 7th, which was the deathly hallows. Because it was all about killing voldemort and collecting horcruxes and all three of them were on the run.
                           The most awkward part was near the end of the last book and the series where they (she) (J.K ROWLING) revealed the secret of Snape liking Lily when they were children. I thought that Snape hated harry because of his father and I think that Snape was not angry on James because James was a bully in school and troubled him a lot, but because when both Lily and James died he felt hurt and thought that he could have taken better care of Lily.

·      The other two things that I felt awkward about were when they said that James was a bully. And also when the ministry codenamed harry the “undesirable no.1”. I think H must have felt odd too in both these scenes.
·      And I also agree with H that Snape is the bravest man on Earth.

Questions to ask J.K Rowling

Þ   What happened to Luna and Neville?
Þ   And all the death eaters?
Þ   Why did harry not consider Dumbledore alive for asking question’s answers?
Þ   Will you write more famous books like the 7 legends you just wrote about harry and family.

I wish you write more and more popular books in the future continuing with harry and his friends and family.