Saturday 3 September 2011

Lion King

Lion king is a must-see. I still can’t believe that it was made ten years ago. Totally mind blowing. If you compare the animation to our new technology, you’ll find no big or great difference.

While I was watching the ‘making of the movie’, I saw what it takes to make an animated movie. It is way much harder than a normal movie. I’ll tell you what it takes –

  • ·      Artists (some hundreds of them)
  • ·      Latest and the best tech (which they didn’t need)
  • ·      Millions of sketches
  • ·      About 2 years’ time
  • ·      Research for the sketchers to draw animations
  • ·      And most of all = HARD WORK like hell

The movie was so cute and adorable that I almost started to cry (almost! Mind you) 

If you haven’t seen it, please I request you to. It’s some piece of artwork. And also if you want to talk about cuteness – you need to watch the movie RIO- 

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